
Aha, quarantine. It’s disturbing, isn’t it, to have such a forced pause? I have to admit that the first days were tragically sad. I’ve learned and today it helps me: (banal) sport, (on trend) meditation, (simple) talking with friends, (gratefully) work. Because at the same time, running around with things and kicking myself for missing something, not finding it or … not getting that mystical corner – it became unbearable, and then I remembered the words of Keri Bradshaw: “Everyone, without exception, is looking for love in this big city”. When I first heard this, I laughed very ironically: “What a fool!”, “Nonsense!”, “Wow…”, and I closed my eyes like that, well, you know how? What about today? I’m the fool and nonsense, and she lives in New York and eats apples.

During these quarantine days, there are a lot of questions about this. Of course, leaving aside worries about the future, the crisis, the futile search for disinfectant or lonely Easter eggs… What would satiate the heart, feed the neurotic mind, warm the hands that have been washed 100 times a day? So yes… yes… that Love, “stupid nonsense” Love. I miss it so much that I decided to grow it in my heart.

And now, hold on, I’m diving into lyrics. You know, the kind of Love that fills the heart with blooming flowers, mangoes and sunshine. It would also accommodate a purple sunset, a cloud of glittering dragonflies, high green mountains and the warmth of a lover’s eyes. So, the keywords for the quarantine are Love, Heart, Mangoes, Dragonfly and Love (oh, I told you). I’ll grow it, you can try it too 😉



Yours sincerely,

Renata Jaku